Head Shots

Head Shots
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I'm a man with a plan! Working on building a great resume of film and continue to build until I can achieve a full time career! I've had quite the career in MMA and in teaching Martial Arts and I think the transition was an easy one, well, easier I guess because of the tv experience but film STILL makes me nervous as hell!
Skills & Expertise
No Easy Days SSE Terrorist Lance Entertainment
Highly Functional Officer Sanchez Highly Functional
Killing Mommy Bill Bartender NB Thrilling Films
Perfect Stalker Officer 1 D. Osborne, Curtis Crawford
Art of More Referee Rob Lieberman
Killjoys Season 3 Ferran David Fortier/IIvan Schneeberg
I’m Coming For You Police Officer Curtis Crawford
Condor Chauffeur Andrew MaCarthy
Available upon request
Heroes Combat League Live Shows Ottawa
Guest on Rogers Cable Live Shows Ottawa
Guest on CTV Daytime Many Shows Ottawa
Ilona Smyth Audition Workshop Smyth Casting-Ottawa
Ottawa Casting Workshop Mathew Stefiuk-Sean Tucker
Ron Leach Audition Workshop Ron Leach
Behind The Text Tony Babcock
General American Accent Workshop Rae Ellen Bodie
Audition and Accent Private Gary Hudson-Hollywood
Language – Arabic, English, French
Accents – Spanish (Latin) British, Greek, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Arabic,
French, Aussie, South African
I have excellent stunt coordination skills,
I have a stunt driving course and I have 2 motorcycles, Speed bike and cruiser. I ride well.
Professional MMA Fighter 10 Years, 4th Degree Black Belt Black Belt Jiu-Jitsu, 1st
Degree Black Belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
15 years as a chef, good with a knife. I can:
Butcher, and clean carcasses
I cook everything under the sun
You name it, I can make it
I can build walls, I can do some carpentry, I can do most handy man stuff, built most of my businesses
I can play some drums and guitar, not very well but I can fake it well